Take control of your data with Cyd.
Cyd is the product, not you. With Cyd, you can delete as much of your data as you want, from as many of your accounts as you want.
Cyd can help you save a local copy of your data and delete all your tweets for free.
Features for X platform
Unlimited X accounts
Save a backup of your tweets, retweets, likes, bookmarks, and direct messages
Delete all your tweets
Unfollow everyone
Delete your likes
Delete your bookmarks
Delete your direct messages
With a premium plan, you can selectively delete other data too.
Features for X platform
Everything in the free plan
Delete your tweets, except the ones you want to keep!
Unfollow everyone
Delete your likes
Delete your bookmarks
Delete your direct messages
Cyd for Teams
Give your employees privacy, peace of mind, and protection from doxing and harassment.
Employees get all features of individual Premium plans, for all tech platforms
Centralized user management and billing
Supports auto-enrollment based on email domain
Supports manually inviting users by email
Seats are transferrable